Ptychoptera albimana (Fabricius, 1787)

Scientific name: Ptychoptera albimana (Fabricius, 1787)
Common name:
French name: Ptychoptère albimane
Order: Diptera
Family: Ptychopteridae
Wingspan : 20 mm
Biotope: Damp forests, marshes, damp meadows, pond and river banks. The larvae grow in mud.
Geographic area: Palaearctic region.
Observation period : April to October.

Ptychopteridae are insects with long and thin legs. The mesonotum suture is U-shaped (it is V-shaped on Tipulidae). They are lacking ocelli and the wings only show one anal vein which is curved and reaches the wing margin.
The body is often a metallic black colour and can show some orange markings.
When at rest, the wings are hold at an angle of about 45 degrees from the body axis and slightly raised.
They have a slow typical flight.
You can tell Ptychoptera albimana apart with the whitish hind leg tarsi.
The male's abdomen tip is hooked, the female's abdomen tip is pointed.

Ptychoptera albimana - Yvelines, France - August 9th 2011
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Ptychoptera albimana
I have taken this picture of Ptychoptera albimana next to the small pond which is in my garden.
The whitish hind leg tarsi are clearly visible.
The abdomen tip indicates a female.

Ptychoptera albimana - Yvelines, France - July 30th 2011
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Ptychoptera albimana
After one female, here is one male observed at the same place.

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