Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Scientific name: Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name:
French name:
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Cerambycidae
Wingspan : 10-20 mm.
Biotope: Deciduous forests. The larvae grow under the bark of cut trunks laying down in the sun, mainly Oaks and Birches. The life cycle lasts one or two years.
Geographic area: Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, north of Kazakhstan, Near East.
Observation period : May to July.

Plagionotus detritus is a rather strong longhorn beetle.
It shows a black basal half of the elytra with yellow stripes and one yellow apical half with black stripes.
The head is rather small. The reddish yellow antennae reach the last fifth of the elytra on males. They do not reach the middle of the elytra on females.
The thorax is rounded. It is slightly wider than long. It is a black colour and shows two yellow cross stripes, one at the front and one at the middle.
The legs are reddish yellow.

Plagionotus detritus - Yvelines, France - May 22nd 2011
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Plagionotus detritus
I have observed this Plagionotus detritus on the trunk of a oak which has just been cut down in a part of the forest being exploited.

Plagionotus detritus - Yvelines, France - May 22nd 2011
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Plagionotus detritus
This Plagionotus detritus was moving very fast and I have only been able to shoot two pictures before it disappears.
The length of the antennae indicates one male.

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