Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763)

Scientific name: Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763)
Common name:
French name: Méta des terriers, Méta de Mérian
Order: Araneae
Family: Tetragnathidae
Size: Body size: 6 to 8 mm for males and 7 to 11 mm for females.
Biotope: Damp and sheltered places, caves, abandoned burrows, holes in old trees, stumps and beneath soil overhangs on water banks.
Web: Orb web, sometimes large-sized, with a reduced number of radii (from 10 to 22). The centre of the web shows a hole like for all other members of the Tetragnathidae family. The hole in the centre of the Metellina merianae's web has a typical lengthy and pointed shape, like the shape of a candle flame.
Observation period: All year with peaks late spring and in autumn.
Geographic area: Western Europe and Central Europe.

The Metellina merianae's cephalothorax is a pale brown colour with typical black median markings. These black markings show two lateral pale patches which can make you think to the eyes of an animal.
The outer edge of the cephalothorax is marked with black. There may also have a few black lines running from the centre.
The abdomen colour is more variable. It is often dark and covered with small paler dots. There is a colour variant called Celata with a wide pale longitudinal band.
The legs are brownish orange with black dots and black rings.
Metellina merianae sometimes lives together with Meta menardi. This last one is also variable in colour but does not show any black dot on the legs.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - October 10th 2010
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Metellina merianae
I have shot this picture of a Metellina merianae against the outside wall of the house.
The typical markings on the cephalothorax and the black dots on the legs confirm the species identification.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - April 10th 2011
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Metellina merianae
After one observation in autumn, here is another one in spring, but still against the outer wall of the house.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - July 9th 2011
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Metellina merianae
Closer view.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - June 2nd 2011
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Metellina merianae
This Metellina merianae has decided to spin its rudimentary web inside the compost tank.
It has adopted this self-protect positioning when I have open the tank and tried to make it move in order to shoot a picture and confirm the species.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - June 2nd 2011
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Metellina merianae
The inside of the compost tank is a very suitable place for Metellina merianae. It provides a very good shelter and there are may potential preys.

Metellina merianae - Yvelines, France - September 19th 2009
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Metellina merianae
I have observed this Metellina merianae on a woodland edge.

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