Hemeroblemma opigena (Drury, 1773)

Scientific name: Hemeroblemma opigena (Drury, 1773)
Common name:
Other names: Other scientific name: Hemeroblemma pandrosa.
French name:
Order: Lepidoptera
Suborder: Heterocera
Family: Erebidae
Subfamily: Erebinae
Wingspan: About 80 mm for females. Males are smaller.
Biotope: Tropical regions.
Geographic area: South of North America, Central America, South America, from Florida to Brazil. West Indies.
Flight time:
Number of generations :
Host plant:

Hemeroblemma opigena shows a strong sexual dimorphism.
Males' fore wings are longitudinally divided into two parts by a white stripe starting just after the apex and joining the beginning of the inner edge.
The part of the wings close to the costal edge bears a pale brown median band with a wavy black line and a dark discal spot ornated with a white patch on one side.
The overall colour of the wings is rather dark with a paler submarginal area showing an alignment of spaced tiny black dots.
The hind wings show a central area with a more yellowish colour and a median line formed by a raw of small black chevrons.
Females do not have any white stripe on their fore wings and their colours are less contrasted.

Hemeroblemma opigena - French Guiana, France - March 15th 2012
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Hemeroblemma opigena
I have shot this picture at Roura, at Camps Patawa, during a light trap night session.
The stripe which is dividing the fore wings appears a little greyish on this picture. It indicates one male.

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