Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina (Linnaeus, 1758))

Scientific name: Dichonia aprilina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name: Merveille du jour
French name: Runique
Order: Lepidoptera
Suborder: Heterocera
Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Cuculliinae
Wingspan: 43-48 mm
Biotope: Oakwoods.
Geographic area: Western Europe to Central Scandinavia. Widespread but thinly scattered. It is missing in the extreme northern areas.
Flight time: September to November.
Number of generations : 1
Caterpillar: Greensish grey with black dorsal black zigzag lines. It can be seen in June. It first feeds on the buds and flowers and then on the leaves.
Host plant: Oak (Quercus robur)

During the day, the Merveille du Jour stays in the crevices on bark of trees. It hides among lichen.
It overwinters as an egg.

Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina) - Yvelines, France - October 13th 2004
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Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina)
Observing the Merveille du Jour is very easy. I found this one landed on the wallpaper of the kitchen!
I have performed some postprocessing on this picture to remove the sipder web pieces which were attached to the backside of the butterfly. The Merveille du Jour cleaned the house before coming into the kitchen.

Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina) - Yvelines, France - October 13th 2004
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Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina)
The Merveiile du Jour fell down when I tried to remove the spider web's threads which were stuck on its legs. The camera was not far, here is the Merveille du Jour showing its antennae.

Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina) - Yvelines, France - October 13th 2004
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Merveille du jour (Dichonia aprilina)
Last picture before the Merveille du Jour flies away.

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