Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi (Linnaeus, 1758))

Scientific name: Ceramica pisi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name: Broom Moth
French name: Noctuelle des pois, Pisivore
Order: Lepidoptera
Suborder: Heterocera
Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Noctuinae
Wingspan: 32-37 mm
Biotope: Open country, heathland.
Geographic area: Europe from northern Spain to beyond the Polar Circle, Asia to eastern Siberia.
Flight time: Mid-May to August.
Number of generations : 2
Caterpillar: Dark reddish brown or greenish brown with four yellow longitudinal stripes bordered with black. The two dorsal stripes are always well marked, the two lateral stripes are not always well visible. The head is pale pink or green, the underside and the legs are pale yellow or pink.
Host plant: Many shrubs, deciduous trees and various low growing plants.

The Broom Moth is a very variable moth with the fore wings' ground colour varying from pale greyish brown to very dark reddish brown.
The median area shows a darker colour on the whole width and in particular between the orbicular spot and the reniform spot.
The submarginal area bears a wavy yellowish white line which form some kind of a white triangle bordered with black close to the tornus.
The hind wings are pale brown with darker veins and a small rounded pale lunule.

Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi) - Skaftafell National Park, Iceland - August 28th 2014
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Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
I was not expecting to observe new moth species during my holidays in Iceland. But I could not miss the Broom Moth's caterpillars found at the beginning of my trek in the wonderful Skaftafell National Park.

Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi) - Skaftafell National Park, Iceland - August 28th 2014
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Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Here is one specimen with all four yellow stripes well marked and with pinkish legs.

Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi) - Skaftafell National Park, Iceland - August 28th 2014
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Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
These caterpillars are so many that you can see some of them on the signposts.

Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi) - Skaftafell National Park, Iceland - August 28th 2014
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Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Here the host plant is Norwegian angelica (Angelica archangelica), and it is crowded …

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