Silver Y (Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758))

Scientific name: Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name: Silver Y
Other names: Gamma
French name: Lambda
Order: Lepidoptera
Suborder: Heterocera
Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Plusiinae
Wingspan: 35-45mm.
Biotope: Various habitats, forests, plains, cultivated areas.
Geographic area: Europe, Asia and Northern Africa.
Flight time: April to November.
Number of generations : 2
Caterpillar: Pale green with six whitish longitudinal lines.
Host plant: Many low-growing cultivated and wild plants.

You can easily identify this butterfly by the white Gamma/Y-shaped mark located on the forewings.
Hindwings are pale brown with a wide dark band near the outer edge.
The general grey or greyish-brown colour allows an efficient camouflage among branches.
The Silver Y moth mainly flies during the night. This an important migrant which can move in groups of more than thousands of butterflies.
The caterpillars can cause important damages to cultivations.

Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Yvelines, France - July 25th 2009
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
It is rather easy to tell the Silver Y apart among other species.

Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Yvelines, France - May 22nd 2011
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
I have observed this Silver Y on the garage's door.

Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Yvelines, France - May 22nd 2011
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
The same one in the right position. It was landed with the head down.

Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Yvelines, France - July 17th 2006
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
At night, Silver Y are used to coming to lavender to gather nectar. The wings beat almost continuously, just stopping shortly at regular intervals. You need to shoot the picture at this time.

Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Ardèche, France - August 21st 2008
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
You just need to walk in a grassy or bushy place to observe Silver Y moths.

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